Gostujoče predavanje predstavnice Tajvana.
Ob obeležju 10-letnice ustanovitve Centra za tajvanske študije Vas vljudno vabimo na gostujoče predavanje predstavnice Tajvana, nj.eksc. Vanesse Yea-Ping Shih:
“TAIWAN: A Trust-worthy Partner for Slovenia”
Čas in lokacija: četrtek, 14. november, ob 16:20 v predavalnici 34 (pritličje Filozofske fakultete, UL).
Predavanje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku.
Amb. Vanessa Yea-Ping Shih, M.A. National Chengchi University in International Law and Diplomacy, is currently the Representative of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Austria. Her previous assignments included Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs (2012 – 2016); Representative of the Taipei Representative Office in Singapore (2009 – 2012); Deputy Representative, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Australia (2004 – 2007) as well as further positions within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.