Spletna konferenca: Democracy in An Age of Globalisation and Populism: Taiwan, UK and USA
Čas: 11. december (14:30) – 12. december 2020 (17:30)
Registracija: https://tsp2020conf.eventbrite.co.uk
In the era of deepening globalization and rising populism, we see two major elections taking place in Taiwan and USA, Taiwan’s general election in January 2020, USA’s in November 2020.
The UK, constantly eyeballing on post-Brexit scenarios, may feature a snap election at any times. Political cultures of these three societies might be very different, but the challenges from the domestic populism, economic uncertainty, intensity and pervasiveness of social media’s usage, and the diversion of internal political and electoral fractions are the same.
Taiwan Studies Programme at the University of Nottingham and Taiwan Foundation of Democracy in Taipei believe it is opportune to sponsor a two-day conference to dwell on these challenges that Taiwan, UK and USA face and on the way their voters understand and manage them.
This year the TSP’s conference will take place online and by invitation only on 11/12 December and is co-organized by Dr. Chun-yi Lee, Director of Taiwan Studies Program, School of Politics and International Relations, University of Nottingham and Prof. TJ Cheng, Class of 1935 Professor, department of Government at William and Marry, editor of Taiwan Journal of Democracy, this conference takes a thematic approach, clustering four panels around four sets of issues.
The first one is focused on the rise and dynamic of domestic populism, the second on economic anxiety, the third on the impacts of social media on public opinion and electoral processes, and the fourth on partisan competition and its impacts on foreign policies.
Each panel is an open forum for scholars from and on the three polities to exchange views from a comparative perspective. Based on discussions and post-conference revisions, we aim at publishing an edited volume with Routledge Taiwan series as well as a special issue with Taiwan Journal of Democracy.