Spletno predavanje prof. Awi Mona
Vabljeni na spletno predavanje prof. Awi Mona (蔡志偉), National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan: »Nacionalno opravičilo in oživitev pravic domorodcev na Tajvanu« (»National Apology and Reinvigoration of Indigenous Rights in Taiwan«). Predavanje bo v ponedeljek, 10. maja 2021, ob 9.30 uri prek Zooma (ID: 914 3170 9349). Predavanje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku.
Dr. Awi Mona (Chih-Wei Tsai 蔡志偉) is the first indigenous person in the country to obtain a Doctorate degree in Law. His research is primarily in the areas of Indigenous law, Aboriginal Title law, cultural and education law. Over the past decade since his return from Seattle, he has continuously worked on indigenous rights movements with local communities in Taiwan, as well as providing legal and policy advice on a wide variety of Indigenous law and related issues. Awi is a member of the Seediq Nation.