Vabljeni na hibridno konferenco “Kitajska, ZDA in mi: mednarodni odziv na strateško tekmo med ZDA in Kitajsko”
Vabljeni na hibridno konferenco “Kitajska, ZDA in mi: mednarodni odziv na strateško tekmo med ZDA in Kitajsko,” ki bo potekala 19. in 20. novembra 2021 na Univerzi v Zürichu v Švici.
Prijava do spletnega ogleda na strani: https://www.aoi.uzh.ch/de/institut/events/registration.html
China, US and us: International Response to US-China Strategic Competition
The workshop will closely examine European and Asian responses to the escalating rivalry between the US and China. The conference strives to highlight the US-China competition rather than presenting a one-sided perspective on the rise and the accompanying threat from a revisionist China, as is the case with many similar events nowadays.
Is the “free world” once again facing an axis of rising authoritarianism? This and other questions will be discussed by the various international participants, focusing their talks on several in depth country analyses by looking at their action and inaction in an era of growing polarization.
Program for International Workshop