Gostujoče predavanje dr. Adine Zemanek
Vabljeni na predavanje dr. Adine Zemanek: »Cultural hybridity and multiculturalism in Taiwan« (»Tajvanska kulturna hibridnost in večkulturnost«), ki bo v četrtek, 5. maja 2022, ob 16.30 uri na Filozofski fakulteti UL v predavalnici 34. Predavanje bo v angleškem jeziku.
Adina Zemanek holds a PhD in cultural anthropology from the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, and currently works as a lecturer in Asia-Pacific studies at the University of Central Lancashire, UK. Between 2016 and 2022, she was board member of the European Association of Taiwan Studies. She has done research into gender issues in PRC fashion magazines and TV series, the construction of national identity and grassroots nation branding through tourist souvenirs, graphic novels, and picture books in Taiwan. Her recent research projects explore Taiwan-related citizen diplomacy in Europe and the use of comics for public diplomacy in Taiwan
Abstract: This presentation will argue for the importance of everyday life as a site for academic inquiry. It will start with a discussion of cultural hybridity employed in definitions of Taiwaneseness formulated in graphic novels and tourist souvenirs, through the lens of Tim Edensor’s concept of everyday nationalism. The second part will explore representations of marriage migrants in documentaries, framing them through the concepts of homemaking, everyday multiculturalism and thirdspace. The presentation will also shed light on ideological agendas underlying specific discursive themes in representations of both cultural hybridity and migrants.