Poziv za konferenčne prispevke: »Tajvan na prehodu«
Tajvan je od leta 1949 doživel velike družbene, politične in gospodarske spremembe. Univerza v Washingtonu in Univerza v Nottinghamu organizirata skupno mednarodno konferenco, ki se bo osredotočila na ta obdobja sprememb.
Vabljeni k oddaji prispevkov ali k udeležbi.
Datum konference: 15.-16. junij 2023
Rok za oddajo povzetka: 31. januar 2023
Več informacij na povezavi.
UW-UoN Joint Conference: Taiwan in Transition
Conference format: hybrid
Conference date: 15-16 June 2023
Deadline to submit an abstract: 31 January 2023
Since 1949, Taiwan has been through major social, political, and economic transitions. This joint conference, held by the Taiwan Studies Programmes at the University of Washington and the University of Nottingham, will focus on these periods of change. Discussion will include, but not be limited to, the following themes and specific topics:
- Taiwan’s democratic transition (identity, social movements, political parties, voting behaviour, legal protections and liberties, responses to authoritarianism)
- Social and demographic trends (families and marriage, fertility, labour, the ageing population, Taiwan’s “second demographic transition”, immigration, demographic policies)
- Economic and environmental change (Taiwan’s industrial transition, industrial policies, economic development, external trade, the digital economy, disruptive innovation, climate change and the economy, environmental policies)
- Transitional justice (accountability, (KMT) party property, legal system reform, indigenous rights)
- Comparing transitions (comparing Taiwan with other societies, regions or states across the dimensions of the aforementioned themes)
- The conference will be held in hybrid mode, but we prefer speakers to join us in person. Proceedings will be streamed online for those attending remotely.
Please submit your abstract of no more than 500 words to tspconf2023@gmail.com, including the names of all presenters and their affiliations. The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 31 January 2023.
Notifications of acceptance will be sent out by 15 February 2023. If selected, the deadline for submitting final conference papers (of no more than 6,000 words) will be 26 May 2023. Selected conference papers will be considered for publication in a special issue of a peer-reviewed journal.
The conference organisers will provide up to three nights’ accommodation in Nottingham for in-person contributors. We especially welcome submissions from postgraduate research students (PhD candidates) and early career scholars. For papers with more than one author, the conference will provide funds for one to present in Nottingham physically.
The conference will cover travel expenses of up to GBP 500 for postgraduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and other scholars who are not yet employed in permanent positions.