Spletno predavanje dr. Isabelle Cheng
Vabljeni na spletno predavanje dr. Isabelle Cheng: »Zahtevali smo delavce a prišli so ljudje: delovne migracije v Vzhodni Aziji« (»We asked for workers but human beings came: Labour migration in East Asia«), ki bo v četrtek 18. marca ob 16:30 na spodnji povezavi. Predavanje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku.
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Dr Isabelle Cheng is Senior Lecturer in East Asian and International Development Studies at the University of Portsmouth. She obtained her PhD in Politics and International Studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London.
Using gender as an approach, her research focuses on marriage and labour migration with regard to citizenship, activism and nation-building. Her current research focuses on the tension between migrant women’s sexuality and their host state’s nation-building and popular discourses surrounding migrant workers on social media.
Her other research interest is the appropriation of women’s voices for psychological warfare during the Cold War, such as using women as radio hosts or loudspeaker announcers. She is currently Secretary-General of the European Association of Taiwan Studies and Research Associate of the SOAS Centre for Taiwan Studies..